Agricultural University of Iceland

Bjarni D. Sigurdsson
Professor of forest science, PhD in forest ecology/ecophysiology ForHot responsability: project manager; member of coordinating group; co-supervisor of four students; doing own research CO2 fluxes, ecosystem productivity. Active: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: +354 8435342; bjarni[at]

Gunnhildur Eva G. Gunnarsdottir
Research assistant, M.Sc. ForHot responsability: General infrastucture at the site Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: gunnhildur[at]

Páll Sigurðsson
PhD student (2016-2019) ForHot responsability: Site manager; All his PhD research done at the ForHot forest site (FN). Supervisors are Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Edda S. Oddsdottir and Ivika Ostonen. Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:

Úlfur Óskarsson
Research scientist, M.Sc. in forest science ForHot responsability: member of coordinating group; general infrastructure at the site; co-supervisor of a M.Sc. student Active:2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:ulfur[at]

Ben Lukas Wisniewski
Internship student. ForHot responsability: Helping with various measurements and doing his own study on regeneration of broadleaved trees at FN. Active: 2018. Contact: -
Icelandic Forest Research, Mogilsa

Edda S. Oddsdóttir
Senior scientist; PhD in soil biology ForHot responsability: Member of coordinating group;co-supervisor of two students; doing own research on fine roots, mycorrhiza, litter decomposition. Active: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: edda[at]

Jóhanna Ólafsdóttir
Researcher. ForHot responsability: Measurement campaigns with mini-rhyzotrons in grassland soils for Chao Fang at U. Antwerp. Active: 2018. Contact: johanna[at]
University of Akureyri

Brynhildur Bjarnadóttir
Ass. professor, PhD in ecosystem ecology ForHot responsability: Member of the coordinating group, co-supervisor of two graduate students. Active: 2013, 2014, 2015,2016, 2017. Contact:brynhildur[at]
Icelandic Institude of Natural History

Asrun Elmarsdottir
Research scientist, M.Sc. in plant ecology ForHot responsability: Supervising two M.Sc. students doing studies on plant community structure Active: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact: -
Soil Conservation Service of Iceland

Bryndis Marteinsdottir
Research scientist, Ph.D. in plant ecology. ForHot responsability: Member of the coordinating group, studies on plant phenology and fitness in ForHot grasslands Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:
University of Iceland

Nia Perron
M.Sc. student (2016-2017) ForHot responsability: Effects of soil warming in GN and GO on flowering and plant fitness. Supervisor: Bryndís Marteinsdottir. Active: 2016, 2017

Ella Thoen
graduate student (2011) ForHot responsability: graduate project in 2011 on changes in mycorrhyzal association as soil temperature changes in spruce forest. Supervisors: Kesara Anamthawat-Jonsson and Edda S. Oddsdottir. Active: 2011
University of Antwerp, Dept. of biology, Belgium

Ivan Janssens
Professor; Ph.D. in ecosystsem ecology. ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Antwerp Univ. group; supervising four M.Sc. and PhD students. Active: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:ivan.janssens[at]

Erik Verbruggen
Asociate Professor, PhD in microbial ecology ForHot responsability: DNA and RNA analyses of soil samples from the ForHot grassland sites. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: Erik.Verbruggen[at]

Sara Vicca
PostDoc. ForHot responsability: Supervision of PhD students. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: sara.vicca[at]

Niki Leblans
PostDoc (2017); PhD student (2012-2016) ForHot responsability: Part of her PhD research was done at the ForHot site on temperature impacts on the ecoystem C and nutrient cycles. Active: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.

Lucia Fuchslueger
Postdoc. ForHot responsability: Working on the TNT experiment and supervising PhD students. Active: 2017, 2018. Contact: </p> <p>lucia.fuchslueger[at]

Cindy De Jonge
Postdoc. ForHot responsability: Working on paleoecology of the GO grasslands. Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: cindy.dejonge[at]

Niel Verbrigghe
Ph.D. student (2017-2019). ForHot responsability: Working on the TNT experiment. Supervisors: prof. Ivan Janssens, Lucia Fuchslueger and Sara Vicca. Active: 2017, 2018. Contact: Niel.Verbrigghe[at]

Chao Fang
Ph.D. student (2017-2019). ForHot responsability: Working on belowground NPP and fine-root turnover in the GN, GO and NT grasslands. Supervisor: prof. Ivan Janssens. Active: 2018. Contact: fangch12[at]

Dajana Radujkovic
M.Sc. student (2015-2016) ForHot responsability: Her M.Sc. research is done in 2015 at the ForHot grassland sites (GN, GO and N-addition exp.) on changes in soil microbial communities. Supervisor: Erik Verbruggen. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:dajana.radujkovic[at]

Steven Dauwe
PhD student (2014. Terminated 2016) ForHot responsability: His whole PhD research was done at the ForHot site on temperature impacts on effects of soil warming and N-additions on SOC processes. Supervisors were Ivan Janssens and Bjarni D. Sigurdsson. Active: 2014, 2015, 2016

Wendelien Meynzer
M.Sc. student (2015-2018) ForHot responsability: Her M.Sc. research is done in 2015 at the ForHot grassland sites (GN, GO and N-addition exp.) on changes in vegetation communities. Supervisors are Niki Leblans, Steven Dauwe and Ásrún Elmarsdóttir. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017

Hans De Boeck
PostDoc, PhD in ecophysiology ForHot responsability: Winter CO2, CH4 and N2O flux campaign in cooperation with Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Marja Maljanen, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson and Per Gundersen. Active: 2015 Contact:hans.deboeck[at]

Stephanie Van Loock
M.Sc. student (2015-2017) ForHot responsability: Her M.Sc. research is done in 2015 at the ForHot grassland sites (GN, GO and N-addition exp.) on vegetation NPP. Supervisors are Niki Leblans and Steven Dauwe. Active: 2015, 2016

Katherine Vande Velde
M.Sc. student (2013-2014) ForHot responsability: Her M.Sc. research is done in 2013 at the ForHot site on temperature impacts on changes in plant and microbial biomass. Supervisors are Ivan Janssens and Niki Leblans. Active: 2013, 2014

Lieven Michielsen
M.Sc. student (2013-2014) ForHot responsability: His M.Sc. research is done in 2013 at the ForHot site on temperature impacts on varios plant traits and ecosysiology. Supervisors are Ivan Janssens and Niki Leblans. Active: 2013, 2014
Lund University, Sweden, Dept. of Ecology, Section of Microbial Ecology

Håkan Wallander
ass. professor, Ph.D. in microbial ecology ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Lund Univ. group; supervisor of two PhD students. Active, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:hakan.wallander[at]

Erland Bååth
Professor in microbial ecology; Ph.D. in microbial ecology. ForHot responsability: Supervisor of a Ph.D. student Active: 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017 Contact:erland.baath[at]

Jing Zhang
Ph.D. student (2016...) ForHot responsability: Decomposition by ecto- and endomycorrhizal fungi at the ForHot sites. Supervisor: Håkan Wallander. Active: 2017 Contact:zhangi[at]

Magnus Ellström
Ph.D. student (2012-2014) ForHot responsability: Did some research on decomposition by ectomycorrhizal fungi at the ForHot site. Supervisor: Håkan Wallander. Active: 2012, 2013

Stephanie Reischke
Ph.D. student (2012) ForHot responsability: Did some research on fungal and bacterial growth. Supervisor Erland Bååth. Active: 2012
Leiden University, The Netherlands

Peter van Bodegom
Professor, Ph.D. in microbiology and plant physiology. ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Leiden Univ. group; supervisor of two students Active: 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018. Contact: p.m.van.bodegom[at]
Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sect. of Systems Ecology

James Weedon
Asociate professor, PhD in microbial ecology. ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the VU Univ Amsterdam; To continue his microbial research at the ForHot sites and supervise students. Active: 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: James.Weedon[at]

Ruud Rijkers
Ph.D. student (2018-2020). ForHot responsability: Part of her Ph.D. research on the bacterial community composition and temperature sensitivity. Part of the work done with samples from ForHot. Supervisor James Weedon. Active: 2018. Contact: r.rijkers[at]

Benjamin Hearn
M.Sc. student (2014-2015). ForHot responsability: His M.Sc. research done at the ForHot forest site in 2014 on reasons behind tree mortality at higher temperatures. Supervisor Peter van Bodegom. Active: 2014, 2015 Contact:b.j.hearn[at]
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Biogeochemistry Research Group

Marja Maljanen
Ph.D. in biogeochemistry; doing own research; supervising one student ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Kuopio group; CH4 and N2O fluxes. Active: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:marja.maljanen[at]

Heli Yli-Moijala
graduate student (2013), MSc student (2014-2015) ForHot responsability: Did her BS thesis work on GHG-fluxes at the ForHot sites in summer 2013 and continued with her M.Sc in 2014. Active: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Contact:ylimoija[at]
University of Tartu, Estonia

Ivika Ostonen
senior researcher ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Estonia group; supervising two PhD students. Active: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:ivika.ostonen[at]

Martin Maddison
Research scientist. ForHot responsability: Measurements of N2, N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from soil gases from soil cores taken at FN, GN and GO. Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: martin.maddison[at]>

Kaarin Parts
PhD student (2013-2018) ForHot responsability: Study in 2013 the morphological responses of ectomychorriza to soil warming. Supervisor: prof. Ivika Ostonen. Active: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Contact:kaarinparts[at]
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland

Krassimira Ilieva-Makulec
senior researcher ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Poland group; own research on the impact of soil warming on nematodes. Active: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:k.makulec[at]
Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark

Per Gundersen
professor, PhD in biogeochemical cycling of N, C and water ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Univ. Copenhagen group; own research on nutrient leaching at ForHot. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:pgu[at]

Anna Theresa Edlinger
MSc student (2016) ForHot responsability: Did her M.Sc. thesis work on nutrient leaching at the ForHot sites in 2015-2016. Active: 2016
Aarhus University, Denmark

Martin Holmstrup
professor, PhD in soil fauna ecophysiology ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the Aarhus Univ. group; own research on the impact of soil warning on earthworms, enchytraeids and collembola. Active: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:mho[at]
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Thomas Kätterer
professor, PhD in soil science ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the SLU group; study the impact of soil warning on SOM fractionation. Active: 2014, 2015, 2017 Contact: Thomas.Katterer[at]

Hanna André
graduate student ForHot responsability: Did her BSc thesis on soil respiration fluxes at FN Active: 2014

Agnes Bondesson
graduate student ForHot responsability: Did her BSc thesis on canopy photosynthesis and shoot phenology at FN Active: 2014
Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, Braunschweig, Germany

Christopher Poeplau
PhD in soil science ForHot responsability: SOC fractionation in GN and GO top- and subsoil Active: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact: christopher.poeplau[at]
Universitat Autònom a de Barcelona (UAB), Spain

Josep Peñuelas Reixach
professor, PhD, and the director of the Global Ecology Unit ForHot responsability: Leading scientist for the UAB group; study the impact of soil warning on metabolic state biomarkers and metabolomics. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact: josep.penuelas[at]

Jordi Sardans Galobart
Senior Researcher ForHot responsability: Metabolic state biomarkers from GN and GO Active: 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact: j.sardans[at]

Albert Gargallo-Garriga
postdoc ForHot responsability: Metabolic state biomarkers from GN and GO Active: 2016, 2017 Contact: albert.gargallo[at]

Mireia Bartrons
postdoc, PhD in ecosystem ecology ForHot responsability: Metabolic state biomarker Active: 2015 Contact: mireia.bartrons[at]

Marta Ayala Roque
M.Sc. student ForHot responsability:Did her M.Sc. thesis: "Impacts of soil warming on the plant metabolome of Icelandic grasslands". Active: 2016
University of Granada, Spain

Sara Marañón Jiménez
PostDoc, PhD in ecosystem ecology ForHot responsability: Incubation of soil samples from the ForHot grassland sites to study their temperature and nutreint cycle sensitivity. Active: 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact:smaranon[at]
University of Vienna, Austria

Andreas Richter
professor of ecosystem ecology, PhD in ecology and physiology of plants ForHot responsibility: leading scientist of the Univ. Vienna team, study on carbon and nutrient use of microbial communities Active: 2015, 2016, 2017 Contact: andreas.richter[at]

Anne Daebeler
PostDoc, PhD in soil microbial ecology ForHot responsability: A study on nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the grassland of Grændalur Active: 2012, 2014 Contact:a.daebeler[at]

Alexander Tveit
PostDoc, PhD in microbiology. ForHot responsibility: analysis of soil metatranscriptome. Active 2018. Contact:

Joana Silva
PhD student. ForHot responsibility: organic nitrogen cycling. Active 2018. Contact:

Phillip Gündler
Master student. ForHot responsibility: seasonal aspects of microbial growth, turnover and carbon use efficiency. Active 2017, 2018. Contact:

Michael Wagner
professor in Microbial Ecology, ForHot responsibility: study of the inorganic nitrogen cycling in soil, specifically of complete ammonium oxidizers (comammox). Active 2018. Contact:

Petra Pjevac
PostDoc, PhD in microbiology. ForHot responsibility: study of complete ammonium oxidizers (comammox). active 2018. Contact:
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria

Hans Sandén (former Göransson)
Senior Researche ForHot responsibility: Study on enzyme activiy in FN soils Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact:hans.sanden[at]

Christoph Rosinger
PhD student ForHot responsibility: Study on enzyme activiy in FN soils Active: 2016, 2017 Contact:christoph.rosinger[at]
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)

Jennifer Soong
Research scientist. Formerly Postdoc at U. Antwerp. ForHot responsibility: Leading scientist for the Berkley Lab ForHot group; Involved in the TNT ForHot Study and in previous studies and PhD projects coordinated by U. Antwerp. Active: 2016, 2017, 2018. Contact: jsoong[at]

Margaret S. Torn
Research scientist. Active: 2018. Contact: -
CzechGlobe, Czech Republic

Karel Klem
Research scientist. ForHot responsibility: Metabolnomic analyses of plants and soil. Active: 2018. Contact: </p> <p>klem.k[at]

Otmar Urban
Research scientist. ForHot responsibility: Metabolnomic analyses of plants and soil. Active: 2018. Contact: urban.o[at]