25-26 of Februar, 2025

The ForHot 2025 Workshop “Joint Ecosystem Assessment on the Effects of Natural Soil Warming and N-input Manipulation on Subarctic Grasslands and Forests” University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria READ...

Feb 10, 2025

Please note that the ForHot publications page has now been updated. Please remember to send a mail to bjarni@lbhi.is about all publications (submitted papers, reports, theses, conference abstracts, etc.) from ForHot and Future Arctic....

Oct 2-5, 2023

The General FutureArctic/ForHot Project Meeting will take place in Tartu, Estonia. This will be a two day hybrid meeting during 3-4 Oct and then there will be a post-meeting excursion to experience some interesting research sites in Estonia (Thursday 4 Oct). Please...

July 25, 2023

Please note that the ForHot publications page has now been updated. Please remember to send a mail to bjarni@lbhi.is about all publications (submitted papers, reports, theses, conference abstracts, etc.) from ForHot and Future...

March 15, 2020

ForHot PhD students can until March 15 send an application to bjarni@lbhi.is to attend the PhD course: “09.39.02 The Functioning Arctic Ecosystem and Effects of Warming” (4 ECTS) which will run during (Apr-Jun) as an on-line pre-course, followed by a fieldcourse in...

Oct 12-14, 2022

The General FutureArctic/ForHot Project Meeting will take place in Hannesarholt, Reykjavik, Iceland. This will be a hybrid meeting and there will be two pre-meeting excursion days to the ForHot research sites (10 Oct) and to introduce guests to the Icelandic subarctic...