Feb 29, 2020

Please note that the ForHot publications page has now been updated. Please remember to send a mail to bjarni@lbhi.is about all publications (submitted papers, reports, theses, conference abstracts, etc.) from ForHot and Future...

Oct 25, 2019

The first Future Arctic fieldwork took place during the past week. Biplabi Bhattarai [ESR3] and Ivika Ostonen installed new minirhizotron-tubes in GN and GO and Erik Verbruggen came with a student and they installed ingrowth cylinders for...

Apr 9, 2018

Apr 9-11, 2018. The 3rd intensive campaign in the GN/NT seasonal survey of ecosystem traits took place. Sara Marañón could not attend and Palli and Gunnhildur did her 15N pulse labelling experiment in the same plots in NT and Gunnhildur and Palli and Ben pre-processed...

Mar 15, 2018

Ben Lukas Wisniewski, an internship student from the Engineering in Forestry at the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan in Freising (Germany) arrived. He will be a research assistant this spring/summer and do his own research project on regeneration of...